Decreto 959 de junio del 2018 contexto jurídico e implicaciones Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Sánchez González, David Gersaín


  • The governments around the world have different obligations with their citizens and the wellness that they have. That's why the good management of the governors depends on how they can give wellness and prosperity to their citizens. The Colombian government has had difficulties giving the social security right including the pension system that isn't good. Then in order to improve that situation, the Colombian government starts implementing the 959 of 2018 law. In order of looking at the implications that this law has, in the following article we will see different aspects of the social security system, the general pension system and the different types and characteristics of the funds that compound the multifund scheme to conclude with the analysis of the implications that this law creates in the multifund market, the people who is in the pension system and finally the government.

publication date

  • August 5, 2019 12:29 PM


  • Social security system
  • multifunds system
  • pension

Document Id

  • f122d176-4a0c-45af-a665-1a26c80f4841