Análisis del rol de las empresas militares y de seguridad privada. Estudio de caso: Guerra en Irak 2003-2010 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Guerrero Zarco, Lina Alexandra


  • Private military and security companies (PMSCs) have been characterized by providing different types of services in national and international scenarios. Also, by offering a wide range of activities that have been useful to those seeking them.In the specific case of the Iraq War was significant because the government decided to hire several companies in addition to hundreds of employees, performed functions that had previously been performed only by the military or by official U.S. government employees .Thus, through this case study will seek to analyze the tasks that were assigned to present data on the number of contractors in Iraq, the value of some contracts, the functions were transferred to these companies, as well as see how positively or negatively affect the government of the United States.However, the case study of Iraq gave the possibility to inquire about how states could make better use of PMSCs services without losing control or create dependency on these.

publication date

  • 2012-03-01


  • Blackwater
  • Contractors
  • Iraq War
  • Private military and security companies

Document Id

  • f2bf3552-aae6-437e-a153-3b333ac11213