¿Quién habla en nombre de quién? : espacios de sociabilidad y experiencias asociativas de la gente negra en Bogotá (1943-1988) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Munar Espinosa, Lery Daniela


  • The scene of political and intellectual mobilization related to the study of black culture in the country, since the mid-seventies, made the presence of black people in Colombia during the second half of the twentieth century a main subject in pioneering collective spaces who drew attention to the causes and consequences of racism in the country. Collective actors (study centers, movements, among others) led by people who shared the interest of associating voluntarily to express their doubts and opinions on two central issues: the contributions of black people in the history of the country and the lack of information about the situation of racial discrimination in Colombia. In this research, I analyze how the discourses against racial discrimination in the country were constructed, in these collective spaces led by black people from Bogotá. I evaluate the points of encounter and dissent in this complaint as a structural and current problem, in order to characterize the representations of the black people following the objectives and proposals of these first spaces founded by black people from the capital.

publication date

  • April 29, 2019 12:22 PM


  • Associative experiences
  • Black people
  • Bogotá
  • Movimiento social afrocolombiano
  • Sociability spaces

Document Id

  • f30b3cb6-a67c-41ec-997e-70f22c255a18