Modelo de un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológico empresarial Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Deaza Hernández, Nancy Johanna
  • Galeano Villamizar, Edith Patricia
  • Valencia Godoy, Diana Milena


  • The objective of this paper is to describe the experience of developing a model surveillance system to identify through an early warning system conditions business that requires quick action to control it. Its primary objective is to monitor the epidemiological trend of these events that are considered large corporate health impacts to be controlled with specific actions. It will also allow capture of information in order to build databases that generate statistics needed for policy making sector business. Additionally this information will facilitate the construction of indicators.We performed an exploratory descriptive study (cross section), population of the district hospitals and who met inclusion and exclusion criteria. We applied to an instrument for data collection to 43 companies, 10 managers, assistant managers 5, 3 and 6 administrative assistant managers financial.In the analysis it was observed that the district hospitals despite having the financial statements of payroll reductions evidenced by 42%, 76% debt, in reviewing the distribution logistics and customer churn is 71%. Associated with the market could say that the rates and regulations adversely affecting the health sector companies by 63%. The study showed that although companies have their financial analysis and market analysis still exhibit behaviors that affect the service leading to morbidity - mortality of companies.

publication date

  • January 24, 2012 7:19 PM


  • Business condition
  • Business environment
  • Business symptom
  • Competitiveness
  • Corporate health
  • Liquidation
  • Organizations
  • Perdurability
  • Strategic competition
  • Surveillance system

Document Id

  • f451a413-f5a1-4cbf-9a25-c243d16e4706