Análisis de los factores que han limitado la implementación de los decretos 112 a 116 de 2003 de reestructuración del sistema de transporte público colectivo en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Roa Lozano, Diana Carolina


  • The problem of the public collective transport in Bogota is complex, characterized for an inconstant oversupply which is reflected as the first measure, in a rate for the public transport inflated over the real cost. In addition to this, the institutional weakness is very big and is generating an accumulation of power in favor of the carriers, to whom the oversupply turns lucrative. Also, if we add the component of incentives that the same Local Administration promotes, with the inefficient system of functioning and adjudication of routes, the situation becomes furthermore critical.To reduce the oversupply, the government of Bogota has promulgated some policies that have not turned out to be effective. The most constructed and optimists gave each other in the administration Mockus, where there were sent the decrees 112 to 116 of 2003, to try to reduce the oversupply and to improve the quality of the service, which was going in decadence.The following document tries to analyze how the mentioned decrees have scarcely been a juridical strategy and a very limited public policy at least for 3 specific reasons: the first one refers to the deficiencies in the moment of the planning and formulation of the public policy, the second one, analyzes the problem of not knowing the existence and determinant influence of the carriers as a group of pressure with economic and political power.

publication date

  • 2009-03-06


  • Institutional weakness
  • Oversupply
  • Perverse system
  • Pressure groups
  • Public policy

Document Id

  • f972e423-c5fc-4506-bdf9-e08594f1cf1d