Análisis de la política medioambiental contra el cambio climático del presidente Obama en los Estados Unidos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • González Torres, Sebastián


  • Climate change represents one of the most complicated problems that humanity faces. Although this phenomenon is natural, the speed at which it is currently occurring is derived from human activity, which for decades has been dedicated to the consumption of non-renewable resources as well as deforestation, and thus, planet contamination. United States’ case is one of the most relevant examples of fossil fuel use, and it is therefore important to identify the key factors that determine their response. Climate change was one of the main topics in President Obama’s administration; for that reason, a series of environmental initiatives were launched to respond to an identified global and local threat. However, these initiatives generated opposing positions from economic and political groups. It is necessary to analyze the discourse of the involved parties, environmental policies of previous governments, documents from different actors of the State, among others.

publication date

  • 2017-05-27


  • Climate change
  • Environmental policies
  • Opposition
  • President Obama
  • Threat

Document Id

  • f9a199e0-dfcb-44ac-862c-6ffa4b812c71