La acción política no-violenta como respuesta al conflicto armado colombiano. Estudio de caso: Indígenas del Cauca minga de 2008. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • González Gamba, Lina María


  • This paper analyzes the national Minga of popular and indigenous resistance in 2008, like a nonviolent politic action that emerged as an answer to the armed conflict in Colombia during the government of Alvaro Uribe Velez. By making the press review and by making use of in-depth interviews to some of the actors who participated and contributed in the Minga’s accomplishment. This paper shows the development and reach of this nonviolent collective action performed by the indigenous people of Cauca. Despite the fact that it did not improve the living conditions of the indigenous, it managed to achieve considerable results in light of the theory of social movements and collective action in Colombia, because it had great reception and resisted the government repression for 41 continuous days.

publication date

  • 2016-05-06


  • Armed conflict
  • Collective action
  • Indigenous people
  • Minga
  • nonviolent action
  • social movement

Document Id

  • f9d51996-fccb-47f4-960f-b7a7eaf33935