Leadership and positive organizational behavior in Latin American managers view Grant


  • El estudio pretende identificar en los directivos de algunos países latinoamericanos su estilo de liderazgo, y en primera instancia observar si existe un patrón similar, o si por el contrario, se diferencian entre si. Posteriormente se espera identificar el nivel de resiliencia y optimismo de estos directivos y determinar si existe alguna relación entre estas características y el perfil de liderazgo previamente identificado. Posteriormente se observara si existen diferencias significativas entre
  • The study aims to identify the leadership of some Latin American countries in their leadership style, and in the first instance to observe if there is a similar pattern, or if, on the contrary, they differ from each other. Later it is expected to identify the level of resilience and optimism of these managers and determine if there is any relationship between these characteristics and the profile of leadership previously identified. Later it will be observed if there are significant differences between

date/time interval

  • 2013-01-01 - 2018-02-01


  • Latin American Countries
  • Leadership Style
  • Managers
  • Optimism
  • Positive Organizational Behavior
  • Resilience