¿Cuál es la relación existente entre las concentraciones de material particulado y las admisiones a centros médicos por enfermedades respiratorias agudas en Bogotá? Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Quintero Forero, Juliana María


  • In this article, I seek to find the relationship between the daily emissions of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in the city of Bogotá for the years 2016 and 2017, and the admissions in hospitals for acute respiratory diseases. I use the emissions data that are captured by 12 air quality monitoring stations that are distributed throughout the city and the Individual Registries of Health Service Delivery - RIPS (Ministry of Health). For this, I make buffers of 3.5 km around the monitoring stations and those medical centers that have remained within the buffer of the station will be assigned the concentration level that that station measured that day. In this way I am exploiting the variation between the two years in the concentration of emissions on the same day of a different year, in the same medical center. I find that in the face of an increase of 10 µg / m3 in the daily average of the measurement of PM 2.5, the assistance to the medical centers of children aged 1 - 5 years for respiratory diseases per 100,000 inhabitants increases on average 0.0434. This means an increase of 0.12%. Finally, I conclude that the Colombian government must take more control over the measures it has taken in previous years, such as the removal of old vehicles from circulation that are part of the public service fleet and that, today, still continue to circulate within the city. contributing a large percentage to the city's emission levels. Furthermore, the need for control over the construction of alternate avenues for the passage of heavy-duty vehicles is evident, since they are part of the vehicles that contribute most to concentration levels.

publication date

  • May 15, 2020 4:53 PM


  • Air quality
  • Buffer
  • Disease
  • Emissions
  • Environment
  • Hospital Admissions
  • Material particulate
  • Medical Center
  • PM10
  • PM2.5
  • Pollution
  • Public health
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Traffic

Document Id

  • 02158dc5-bda0-4611-bd27-8ed4a7f1f773