Effects of In-Kind transfers on female labor supply: evidence from the food supply program comedores comunitarios Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodríguez Lesmes, Paul Andres

external tutor

  • Maldonado, Dario


  • The literature argues that in-kind transfers may have positive effects on labor supply. In this paper we use a food and nutrition program implemented in Bogota (Comedores Comunitarios) to shed light on this issue. The program gives poor people living near dining rooms, one free meal per-day. Using a matching approach with Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2007 cross-section survey data, both positive and negative significant effects on female labor supply were found for different groups of women (differing in age, household composition and access to social networks). These results are relevant to understand the heterogeneous work incentives generated when applying this type of program.

publication date

  • 2011-01-12


  • collective decision
  • female labor supply
  • food and nutrition programs
  • in-kind transfers

Document Id

  • 038e27bc-5dd7-492b-99a9-25e90a1de2b1