Gasto en publicidad y bienestar subjetivo : el caso de la pobreza en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Aleman-Correa, Esteban


  • Can political advertising influence the subjective well-being of voters? With the perception of subjective poverty as a measure of well-being, this study attempts to answer this question. Using the perception of poverty as a measure of well-being and information on advertising expenditure in mayoral elections in Colombia in the period 2011-2016, I estimate a linear model of probability in repeated cross-sections to establish the relationship between these two variables. In the most demanding specification, an increase of a standard deviation in advertising spending per voter is correlated with an increase of 1.9 percentage points in the probability that an exposed individual declare himself as poor. In addition, i present preliminary evidence of the mechanism,with the effect being explained by the expenditure coming from the challengers candidates, and not by the different ideological trends of the competing candidates.

publication date

  • July 31, 2019 6:09 PM


Document Id

  • 06126ea2-5ffc-4a18-8cd5-475bbb0a5504