Determinantes socio-económicas de la desnutrición global infantil en la Localidad de Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá, Colombia) en el año 2011 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Ducuara Mora, Pedro Enrique


  • The Malnutrition and child poverty are associated and these in turn with the progress of the country. Know the social and economic determinants of children suffering from low weight is required to create scenarios for the proper development of early childhood and thus contribute to overcoming poverty in the context of equitable health systems. A description of the socio-economic and an analysis of possible associations between these children and underweight infants a sample of one of the most vulnerable sectors and poverty in Bogotá (Colombia). The rate of underweight children in the study sample at higher than that found in Bogotá, Colombia (8.5%, 2.9% and 3.4% respectively). In conducting the analysis of possible associations between low weight and the study variables, it is shown that weak relations between the first and second, with the displacement condition which presents greater positive association with nutritional deficiency followed by the range aged between 25 and 36 months. The situation has greater independence from the underweight child is having sex followed homeownership. Child malnutrition occurs in high levels in the most vulnerable sectors with implications for the proper development of children and to the intentions of reducing poverty rates in the country. The strengthening of public policy that promotes child development, overcoming poverty and inequities in health systems should consider comprehensive actions targeting the most vulnerable, with the participation of civil society and the public and private sectors, the political and financial commitment from governments and clear rules that contribute to the solution of structural poverty and to promote proper child development.

publication date

  • November 22, 2012 1:01 PM


  • Child malnutrition
  • Early childhood
  • Health systems
  • Poverty
  • Public policy

Document Id

  • 073cff7f-a392-4a33-b446-d3712b08cdd1