Hemoglobina Glicada como indicador de control metabólico en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 en una unidad de atención primaria en Bogotá D.C Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Markakis, Emmanuel
  • Troncoso, Sergio


  • Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic non-communicable disease (NCD), characterized by high levels of blood sugar. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there are 425 million people diagnosed with diabetes. In Central and South America, 26 million people were estimated in 2017 Methodology: Observational, analytical, longitudinal, retrospective study. Metabolic control with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) is evaluated in IPS in Bogotá D.C. between 2016 and 2017. Excel® and the statistical software SPSS® version 25 were used. Results: 57.2% female and 47.3% male, with an average of 67.3 years. Those over 60 years correspond to 72.8%, 27.2% are under 40 years, 74.5% of the population had more than 5 years with the diagnosis. The group with more than 3 drugs in the treatment was 51.5% and 50.5% in each measurement, the mean HbA1C was 7.0% with a SD of 1.38 and a 95% CI (6.2; 7, 4) and 6.9% with SD 1.28 and 95% CI (6.2; 7.2), a p value of 0.00 for both groups. Conclusions: The present study showed better metabolic control of the disease with HbA1C values with more than 3 medications, either oral or insulin therapy

publication date

  • July 6, 2020 3:26 PM


  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Glycated Hemoglobin
  • HbA1C
  • Metabolic control

Document Id

  • 07837e75-8a62-405e-851b-c745b97e82fd