Sobre magia, sensualidad y belleza: procesos de subjetividad femenina, sororidad y empoderamiento a través de la danza del vientre en la Academia Anasi de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Botero Cabral, Ángela


  • This research focuses on analyzing belly dancing as a cultural practice that transforms the subjectivities of its practitioners, in the case of the women from the Anasi Academy of Bogota. Based on autoethnography and from individual and collective experiences of women members, the dance is presented as a process that leads to individual and collective empowerment. This happens in the context of a patriarchal society where women's bodies are loaded with connotations and limitations. In addition to its dance style that has been historically and socially gifted prejudices and sexist and chauvinistic notions about him and his dancers.

publication date

  • 2016-11-08


  • Belly dance
  • Body
  • Corporal techniques
  • Embodyment
  • Empowerment
  • Female subjectivities
  • Sisterhood

Document Id

  • 07ed7746-e989-4d07-8dc8-3ee66476914d