Relación de las condiciones de salud y trabajo con la calidad de vida laboral, en trabajadores de dos instituciones hospitalarias de Boyacá, Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodriguez Niño, Sonia Patricia

external tutor

  • Hernández Herrera, Gilma Norela


  • Introduction: Quality of life at work, have objective and subjective components, is the way people live their daily lives in their workplace. Involves working conditions, social relationships, perceptions of satisfaction or dissatisfaction arising from a combination of factors, in the sense of being made with their own expectations and projects (1).The quality of work life can be directly related to working conditions in which workers perform. The health personnel accounts for 6 to 7% of the economically active population in the Region of the Americas (2). Addressing their problems should be done from social protection in health, focusing actions leading to overall improvement of the living conditions of society in general through the Human Resource Management.Methods: Cross-sectional study of 102 workers who meet criteria for inclusion and exclusion, perceived quality of working life and health and working conditions in two institutions providing public health services low complexity of the Municipalities of Samacá and Ramiriquí in Boyacá 2014.Results: Of the total of the workers surveyed 64.7 % were clinical, 80.4 are women, 60 % have an indirect agreement. 71% earns a salary between 1 and 2 SMMLV. 74% of administrative workers work eight (8) hours daily morning and evening, 44% of healthcare working eight (8) hours daily morning and evening and 41% work twelve (12) hours per day even at night, in relation to health and safety no noise exposures and secretions and debris from people or animals .The main ergonomic risk factor movements are repeated administration (74.3%) and Relief (76.9%). 93.1% of workers perceive their health from excellent to good.Regarding the Quality of Working Life only 15% of workers expressed dissatisfaction with the form of contract, 56% are between satisfied and moderately satisfied with the salary received, satisfaction with the opportunity to apply creativity and initiative at work is 90%, 33% of workers are satisfied with the training provided by the institution and only 27% always express respect for labor rights; a small percentage (28 %) of workers are always expressed that users or customers samples appreciation for the activities carried out; housing tenure has given employment, however the highest percentage of work motivation is given in care (81.8%) than in administrative (75.8%).Weak statistical association between the variables Quality of Life and Variable Working Conditions and Health found.Discussion: In this population the perception of workers does not reflect dissatisfaction marked, then why ¿ is the degree of satisfaction of human needs an indicator of better or worse quality of work life? or simply the quality of working life depends on the coverage of individual expectations.This study is consistent with others that the majority proportion of those working in health are women's, should be targeted actions from the gender perspective in the health sector that are part of public policy and health reforms aimed at reducing the impact of workload on health.

publication date

  • February 3, 2015 12:33 AM


  • Conditions of work
  • Quality of life
  • State of health

Document Id

  • 09c846e4-d328-4080-ba07-51fffcbc1536