Acentuación de las dimensiones del modelo de negocios de CANVAS al emprendimiento de instituciones odontológicas privadas en la ciudad de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodríguez Guerra, Diego Alejandro
  • Sarmiento Garavito, Diana María
  • Torres Castro, Ángela Patricia


  • Background: Dentists are exposed to a constant labor change, encouraging as an initiative the creation of a company, with the risk of failing in the process. Objective: To know the Accentuation of the dimensions of the CANVAS business model to the undertaking of private dental institutions in the city of Bogotá. Methods: A non-experimental, descriptive, qualitative, cross-sectional study was carried out. A Best-Worst Scaling was designed based on the 9 modules of the CANVAS business model, with a sample size of 79 surveys. An exploratory analysis was performed together with a statistical method of bietapic conglomeration. Results: In group 2, in subdivision 1 of minor importance it is observed that Q6, Q7 and Q9 the modules with less importance. In subdivision 2 of greater importance we find that the modules Q1, Q2, Q7 and Q8 the most important. Conclusions: There is a lack of general administrative knowledge for the development of health personnel, in this case to the dental staff.

publication date

  • August 1, 2019 12:29 PM


  • Best-Worst Scaling
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Failure
  • Lean StarUp
  • Model of CANVAS

Document Id

  • 0a60d7ef-9c51-4dde-a274-aa87744c926a