Elefantes de metal, guardianas de la montaña y otros relatos montañeros: Análisis de la configuración de exploración de shale gas y tendido eléctrico de alta tensión como conflictos socioambientales energéticos Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Bernal Moreno, Helber


  • This research analyzes the way in which a socioenvironmental energy conflict is configured. From the heterogeneity of actors, valuation languages and situations, it is evident the way in which the notion of socioenvironmental energy conflict and the controversies that are generated from this are constructed. To this end, two extractive energy practices currently being carried out in the municipality of Guasca (shale gas exploration and high voltage power lines) are studied as a case study and the controversies that have arisen from these practices. In this sense, this work does not seek to evidence a dispute between that actor who intends to intensively exploit nature in front of the one who intends to protect it. It is important to highlight the different nuances (economic, political, cultural and ecological, among others) that are involved in the construction of conflict and that have a great incidence in which this type of practices are considered as conflicting or not.

publication date

  • 2017-03-17


  • Energy extractivism
  • Energy socioenvironmental conflicts
  • Fracking
  • Guasca
  • High voltage electric mains
  • Unconventional hydrocarbons
  • Valuation languages

Document Id

  • 0b11986b-a7b2-41b5-a9f0-efc5eded597d