Salud mental en niños en condición de desplazamiento en Colombia y su incidencia en políticas públicas Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Hernández Barrera, Aura Beatriz


  • The armed conflict in Colombia takes place in both urban and rural zones; however, in small towns and distant territories, the forced displacement phenomenon affects civil population life, which settles new scenarios in social level. For this reason there are impacts in humanitarian, social, economic, political, cultural and psychological levels for the vulnerable groups like displaced children; with important consequences in public health, specifically mental health. The propose of this review article is to describe the actual situation of the mental health conditions, it also develops the concept of resilience and describes the interaction between the post traumatic stress disorder in displaced children and the psychosocial attention in public policies for this population. Considering that in this social fact numerous social, religious, not governmental and state organizations, it is underlined the importance to develop boundaries, links and cohesive work between these organizations.

publication date

  • 2011-06-08


  • Displacement
  • Early childhood
  • Post traumatic stress
  • Psychosocial care
  • Resilience

Document Id

  • 0e2c7d69-882c-40db-8ad3-ab4ae47173d6