Resiliencia y variables socio demográficas: implicaciones en la dirección de organizaciones Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ariza Monroy, Juan
  • Nuñez Gomez, Luis Felipe


  • In the organizational scope it is necessary to internalize and apply concepts that create tools that make possible an accurate enterprise performance in order to generate the best results in financial terms. It is important to understand the circumstances that surround the world and the way it works because it is influenced by cultures and characteristics that differ by the geographic area in which the activity is developed.For this reason it is important to identify people that make positive changes in the organizations and that become change agents that develop plans and strategies that align with the business objectives and direct all the efforts to the fulfillment of the proposed goalsIssues can happen within an enterprise at any level, personal, professional among others. Which at the same time can cre k h wh h ’ model and this may result in the decrease of their responsibilities fulfillment. However they should be able to overcome these adversities in a professional way leaning towards the generation of an emotional balance that will help the overcoming process without thinking about negative results and becoming the best role models possible; this capability is known nowadays as resilience.Therefore, throughout this study a theoretical review that will identify the general aspects of the resilience concept and its importance within the organizational environment will be performed.The existing relationship between resilience and socio-demographic variables: age, educational level, economic status and gender will also be discussed. This analysis will be possible with the help of researches and investigations done at Latin-American countries like: México, Perú and Colombia.

publication date

  • 2015-05-29


  • confidence
  • leadership
  • progress
  • psychological capital
  • resilience
  • skills
  • turbulence

Document Id

  • 151a1bcb-405d-4431-8d5d-3347fbae00e1