Disparidades territoriales en la subregión de Ibagué: al norte del departamento del Tolima Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • García Huertas, Camilo Andrés


  • One purpose of the country during the second half of the twentieth century and so far this XXI century is the fight disparities in the country. It is so during this time period they have been declining to acceptable levels, as evidenced by the NBI and ICV indicators coming out regularly in the country. However, when using other figures at territorial planning, the situation changes; and that this work has the objective to demonstrate the wide gap between the municipalities that are part of the same province and subregion, studied data collected from the municipalities, using quantitative and qualitative variables kind, to not only demonstrate the presence of this phenomenon in the territory studied, but offering suggestions for them to be combated.

publication date

  • July 5, 2016 7:50 PM


  • Subregion Ibague
  • Territorial Planning in Colombia
  • Territorial disparities
  • inequity
  • territorial development

Document Id

  • 1956905e-cdfe-43b8-8e84-18b5338f1eb1