Condiciones para preservar e valor moral del consentimiento informado en medicina Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Rojas, Félix Andrés


  • The Informed Consent (IC) in medicine runs the risk of being reduced to a legal formality without moral value. This can happen for two reasons: 1) because the patient does not understand sufficiently the concept of autonomy and 2) due to the decrease, in the practice, of the patient´s autonomy by the impact of the authority of the medical staff or health institutions. So, this article aims at showing under what conditions it is possible to avoid this reduction of the IC. To serve this purpose, the concept of relational autonomy is considered as the axis that relates the patient with his moral community and his physician, and this impels to health personnel to provide the conditions for that purpose. Thus, it is stated that the moral worth of the IC can be keep up, first, from a relational conception of autonomy and, second, through application, by the doctor and the institution of a protocol that reduces the possibility of shock between autonomy and authority.

publication date

  • 2015-06-09


  • Authority and institution
  • Dialogical
  • Informed consent
  • Moral worth
  • Relational autonomy

Document Id

  • 1d4e56ff-ff12-4c7d-9df9-4ebc9df05b26