Factores de riesgo asociados a infecciones por gram positivos vs. gram negativos en neutropenicos febriles Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Yunez Luquetta, Alberto José

external tutor

  • Aguirre Franco, Carlos Eduardo


  • Objective: To investigate the factors of risk associated to infections by gram positive versus gram negative in the patients with febrile Neutropenia postchemotherapy. Design: We conducted an analytical study of cases and controls based on hospitalized patients to identifythe associated factors of risk to bacterial infections between patients with neutropenia febrile. The investigator collected the information in a questionnaire designed for the investigation. Patients: We compared 65 cases infected by gram positive with 200 controls infected by gram negativehospitalized with diagnosis of febrile Neutropenia postchemotherapy. Analysis: The odds ratio was used as the basic statistic to evaluate risk. Main results: Univariate analysis showed that injuries in skin( -OR 7,2; CI 95%: 2,89-17,9, p< 0,001) anduse of central catheter ( -OR 5,8; IC 95%: 2,0-16,8, p < 0,010) were associated to infections by gram positive. Conclusions: This study showed that between patients with febrile Neutropenia postchemotherapy theinjuries in skin and use of central catheter are associated with the development of infection by gram positive. Key words: Febrile Neutropenia; risk factors; bacterial infections.

publication date

  • July 21, 2009 3:36 PM


  • Febrile neutropenia
  • Risk factors

Document Id

  • 223c7c74-271e-4d07-92f9-52049a6a0fd6