Memoria de los consumidores expuestos a la publicidad Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Urueña Quintero, Olga Lucia


  • Psychology and publicity are two complementary disciplines that benefit each other in many ways. One of the main contributions of psychology to publicity is the determination of those strategies or aspects that influence the consumer such as attention and association between brand and product. This means that individuals can hold the relation in their memory and later show the so-called “buying behavior”. Media has a very important role in diffusing information because it can influence on how individuals associate and store this information in their memory. This happens differently depending on which type of publicity is used and in which perceptual field they work on. In order to measure hierarchy of remembrance in the memory of individuals based on the revealing a product category, publicity and marketing it has been used the Top of Mind strategy.

publication date

  • 2016-06-06


  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Media
  • Memory
  • Top of Mind

Document Id

  • 27337d48-47b5-4d91-8c88-045988ebde82