Tolerancia de los estudiantes de Pregrado ante los comportamientos desviados en el aula de clase: un estudio comparativo Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Avellaneda Suárez, Jorge


  • The deviant behavior of students throughout their academic formation is more common than believed. Nonetheless, behind the simple act of breaking a rule established by an Educational Institution, there are certain social constructions which are forged around this situation, and this is important to delve. The focus of this study is to find the position and tolerance that students from two different Faculties have against academic fraud, and try to find the possible causes of that tolerance for deviant actions. In addition, there will be a special emphasis on the Faculty of Business Administration, given the importance and relevance that graduates of this academic program have on the economic development of a country

publication date

  • 2013-07-08


  • Academic dishonesty
  • cheating
  • crime tolerance
  • ethics
  • fraud

Document Id

  • 2838dec4-993d-4afd-bc53-24de702ee342