Análisis historiográfico de la eugenesia en Colombia, 1996-2020 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Figueredo González, Laura Marcela

external tutor

  • García López, Claudia Mónica


  • This research seeks to conduct a historiographic analysis of eugenics in Colombia, to examine how the history of eugenics in Colombia has been constructed between 1996 and 2020, pointing out the themes, problems, sociohistorical actors, the theoretical-methodological approaches chosen, the causal relationships and periodizations present in this historiography. This study will examine works by historians, anthropologists and sociologists who have produced histories on eugenics in the country. By analyzing the various historical researches, it was determined that they address the issues of eugenic knowledge and practices in the country in the first half of the twentieth century. This study intends to make a contribution to the different historiographic analyses on eugenics in Latin America and the world. This will allow a better understanding of what has been written on this subject, especially in Colombia, understanding the themes, problems, theoretical-methodological approaches, causal relationships and periodizations that historians, anthropologists and sociologists use in the construction of eugenic history in the country.

publication date

  • August 2, 2022 9:56 PM


  • eugenics
  • eugenics in Colombia
  • historiographic analysis

Document Id

  • 29456a64-a275-474e-82b9-50d99d06a59f