Caracterización de la función cognitiva de niños con síndrome de down de 5 a 12 años en la ciudad de Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Villaveces Díaz, Laura


  • Children diagnosed with trisomie 21 have some specific physical and neuropsychological characteristics, that have been in-depth investigated in different countries around the world. Thanks to these investigations some evaluation protocols have been designed in order to evaluate children from different nationalities (García, 2010). In spite of the high prevalence of Down Syndrome in Colombia, to date, there has not been found studies emphasizing on the neuropsychological abilities of these specific group, reason why there has not been designed appropriate protocols to evaluate children with Down Syndrome. This present investigation was run with 88 Children. It was applied the BATTELLE developmental inventory to every Children and investigators identified that Down Syndrome diagnosed Children between 5 and 12 years old scored 4 standard deviation below the typical average. These previous results show a specific characteristic in the experimental group related to the developmental patterns, demonstrating biggest difficulties in the cognition and expressed communication areas. About the age interval it was identified that At older ages the performance in the evaluated areas decrease significantly, this could be related to a higher complexity of the developmental life-stones for a expected age, because these Life-Stones vary through the human-being vital cycle, they tend to increase its complexity in in the most advanced developmental stages. Because Down Syndrome diagnosed Children have some difficulties with the cognitive and executive functions, they would not be able to achieve the developmental Life-Stones.

publication date

  • 2016-12-17


  • Down Syndrome
  • Trisomie 21

Document Id

  • 2c77b881-7fbe-4680-8e87-237c268d59da