Tratamiento de primera línea en pacientes con diagnóstico reciente de Mieloma Múltiple candidatos a trasplante: Network Metaanálisis Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Escobar Franco, Omar Huang David

external tutor

  • Manrique Hernández, Rubén Darío


  • Introduction: Multiple myeloma is the second most frequent hematological neoplasm, recently diagnosed patients (NDMM) who are candidates for autologous transplantation, require induction therapy that manages to bring the patient to the best response, disease free of progression and survival. Objective: To evaluate the current available evidence about first-line treatments in patients with a recent diagnosis of multiple myeloma eligible for autologous stem cell transplantation. As first objective to determine, to compare directly and indirectly the disease free of progression (PFS) and as second objective the global survival (OS). Methodology: A systematic search was performed in the Pubmed, EMBASE, Scielo, LILACS and databases. All randomized clinical trials of newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma and transplant candidates were included. Assessment of biases was carried out based on the “Version 2 of the Cochrane riskof-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2)”, the statistical analysis with the R program and the “netmeta” package. Results: In a total of 15 RCTs that included 7272 participants. The global response rate (ORR) achieved with VTD (OR = 2.48, 95% CI: 1.53 - 4.03) and VCD (OR = 3.32, 95% CI: 1.13 - 9.79), showed greater advantage, when analyzing the components separately the drugs Bortezomib and Thalidomide were superior. Regarding overall survival (OS) and progression-free disease (PFS), the greatest advantage was observed with DaraVTD, with HR 0.31 (0.11-0.83) and HR 0.15 (0.03-0.26), respectively. Regarding the analysis of the components, Daratumumab was the drug that showed the greatest superiority in both outcomes. Conclusion / Discussion: The best response achieved after transplantation was with VTD and CyBord, however, due to the great heterogeneity, a meta-regression is required. Overall survival was benefited by Daratumumab and the DaraVTD scheme. Most medications have a very good rate of progression-free disease and this is probably due to maintenance therapies rather than induction therapy evaluated. The DaraVTD scheme has a great association, probably due to the theory of superiority of quadruplets over triplets that is currently being evaluated in the world. Keywords: multiple myeloma, recent diagnosis, eligible transplant, meta-analysis of multiple comparisons.

publication date

  • June 16, 2020 7:25 PM


  • Induction therapy
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Network metanalysis
  • Newly diagnosis

Document Id

  • 310b4119-956d-49c4-9c8f-be94eccbb0bf