Casa Dental Eduardo Daza Ltda. Un estudio de caso de perdurabilidad empresarial Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodríguez Fernández, Rodrigo


  • This research paper contains a case study of corporate sustainability of the company Casa Dental Ltda Eduardo Daza, which as family company, challenges his disappearance tendency from the third generation, as it has been done by the majority of enterprises of this nature across the world. Firstly, family businesses are contextualized and characterized at a global level from an analytical review of existing literature, to build a frame of reference that fosters an approximation to the family companies’ antecedents at a corporate level to then analyze the current dynamics in the Colombian economy, based on an inductive approach. It is later introduced the characteristics that mark the success of family businesses, management and governance, the handover protocol and a strategic guidance towards innovation as synonyms which guarantee tenably over time. After this contextualization, it is introduced from the particular historical context of Casa Dental Ltda Eduardo Daza, their corporate vicissitudes, decline and rebirth into a successful business case in terms of family business, supported on their financial and economic behavior in the last three years in order to define their characteristics, trends and prospects in the immediate future. We concluded that family businesses, as the oldest business organization form, are widely recognized as an important and distinctive player in the global economy, as the productive apparatus of many developed and developing countries. Empirical evidence points to two distinctive features of family businesses: in most countries these companies have a high participation in wealth creation and they also have a high probability of extinction. In all economies, greater or lesser extent, these two significant events coexist: its economic importance and vulnerability.

publication date

  • 2016-03-01


  • Business Family
  • Innovation
  • Perdurability

Document Id

  • 32e9a377-89c2-4100-bce4-58e2a4f6f985