Caracterización del síndrome doloroso regional complejo en el sistema de riesgos profesionales colombiano Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Gómez Adaime, Lisimaco Humberto
  • Pedraza Araque, Edison

external tutor

  • Ribero Calvo, Andrés


  • The purpose of this review was to demonstrate that the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, became a pseudo-scientific resource that explains the evolution of unconventional relatively harmless diseases, diagnosed without the strictness of criteria set for this proposal by international organizations that study this problem.To confirm this hypothesis, researchers conduct reviews of medical files of patients who had a contingency of occupational origin, which were derived from different types of injuries we call primary diagnosis, at some point in their evolution and regardless of the specialties that were treated them, a diagnosis of CRPS was made and then sent to a Pain Clinic to be evaluated and managed medically.The review of files was made according three different but extremely related scales for the presumptive diagnosis of that syndrome: Firstly the proposal by Gibbons in 1992, secondly the one made by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1994 and thirdly the consensus emanating from Budapest in 2003, which aims to fill the inaccuracies of the scale IASP. Researchers reviewed 89 cases and only 63 met the case selection criteria. We found that in 68% of these medical files selected, the diagnostic criteria proposed by the three scales were not met and that in 28.5% of these ones, Pain Clinics do not fulfilled with their role of technical authority because they gave the medical approval of this syndrome that underwrote a condition is not sufficiently proven.

publication date

  • 2009-12-04


  • Diagnostic Criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Document Id

  • 3e1f8dd0-c9fc-4199-8603-b280852d3f7d