Autonomía o múltiples dependencias : condiciones de trabajo de los conductores de taxi en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Cabezas Martínez, Angie
  • Rincón Rivera, María Fernanda


  • The research is situated within the discussions that addresses the sociology of work on forms of work that incur irregular, unstable and insecure agreements for workers, in which the lack of labor regulation generates situations of precariousness. Thus, the case of taxi drivers in Bogota is an activity that opposes the traditional employment relationship between employer and employee, and gives rise to the appearance of multiple actors that control the work of the individual. The precariousness of this work is manifested through particular relationships between the different actors involved, which leads drivers to face insecurity at work, constant economic instability, lack of social protections, lack of labor qualification, lack of social recognition of their work, family ruptures and a permanent vulnerability due to the danger that the perform of this work represents. Taking into account the aspects that make this work precarious, it is important for this research to refer to the reflexivity of taxi drivers regarding the precariousness of their working conditions, which is expressed through their social practices and the strategies that they manage to cope with such precarious situation. Thus, on the one hand, there is a tension between the multiple dependencies to which the taxi driver must respond and the sense of autonomy that his work generates him and, on the other hand, a reproduction of the precarious working conditions to through the daily practices of drivers.

publication date

  • February 15, 2017 4:44 PM


  • Autonomy
  • Eultiple dependencies
  • Everyday practices
  • Instability
  • Precariousness
  • Reflexivity
  • Reproduction
  • Uncertainty
  • Vulnerability

Document Id

  • 43fb2898-7a2a-4d27-b194-1464d4e41695