Características de estudios publicados en áreas del conocimiento de medicina interna recuperados mediante Pubmed Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Alvarez Andrade, Mauricio

external tutor

  • Villar, Juan Carlos


  • Introduction: Although scientific evidence should guide medical decisions, internists encounter literature of varying methodological quality. We described the amount of publications in the major areas of Internal Medicine by quality, language and time of publication. Methodology: We prospectively designed a systematic search of souces of scientific literature. We selected ten most representative MeSH terms of each domain. We searched in Pubmed using those terms and the quality filters of Clinical Queries for English, Spanish and French, and decade of publication.Results: 520 searches in Pubmed retrieved 498.952 published studies, 26% included quality related features of Clinical Queries tool from Pubmed, 23% in cardiology, 13% in pulmonology, 13% in endocrinology and 6,5%% in nephrology. Over 98% of studies are published in English, compared with 1% in Spanish and 1% in Frech. Compared with the previous decade, the number of studies in the 2000s had double.Conclusions: There are relatively higher numbers of published studies in Internal Medicine, with the majority on Cardiology and Endocrinology. Most better quality studies refer to Cardiology contents. Compared to Spanish and French, English is the dominant publication language, with a relatively higher proportion of better quality studies.

publication date

  • July 8, 2014 6:28 PM


  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Endocrine system diseases
  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Internal medicine
  • Kydney diseases
  • Lung diseases.

Document Id

  • 4507c59c-da34-4214-b620-8e78f89182bd