Impacto de la Gestión de la Cuenta de Alto Costo (CAC) en Políticas Públicas relacionadas con la Patología de Alto Costo VIH/SIDA. Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Murcia Fonseca, María Gabriela

external tutor

  • Mantilla Ribero, César Andrés
  • Mantilla, Cesar
  • Olaya Flórez, Sandra Ximena
  • Rodríguez Lesmes, Paul Andres


  • This article analyzes the impact of the management of the High Cost Account (CAC) on mortality due to HIV in the 32 departments and the 6 classifications of Health Promoting Entities between 2009 and 2018. Through a study of differences in differences estimated with a panel model, where there is one unit of analysis of insurers-departments per year and where these same insurers-departments have treated units since they are part of the management of the CCS. With 2014 as the determining year to be able to evaluate the impact of the management of the High Cost Account, due to the hard work carried out by the account for the high cost disease HIV / AIDS, with Resolution 1219 of 2015. A As a result, with the data provided, it can be determined that a difference-in-difference analysis does not show a causality between being a regime benefiting from the High Cost Account after 2014 and having a lower mortality rate from HIV / AIDS.

publication date

  • February 12, 2021 4:25 PM


  • CAC (The High Cost Account: Colombian Fund for High Cost Diseases)
  • Cost management in HIV/AIDS treatmen
  • General System of Social Security in Health of Colombia
  • Health Regimes in Colombia
  • Impact of CAC on the mortality rate

Document Id

  • 4a8c0a82-581f-4dbc-8f7f-b1c08327b262