Análisis de los efectos económicos y socio-políticos en Chile de la tradición exportadora minera y del TLC entre China y Chile, en especial para el período 2006-2012 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Patrón Trujillo, Paula Andrea


  • This paper evaluates the effects of mining exporting tradition and the FTA between China and Chile based on the perspectives of Structural Violence and Development as Freedom of authors like Amartya Sen and Johan Galtung. Through the analysis of some historical processes that have shaped the current mining and commercial dynamics in Chile, and the real freedoms that Chileans had before and after the entry into force of the agreement, it´s possible to understand the ways in which the studied phenomena have constricted or promoted the development of Chileans capacities to carry out the lives they want.

publication date

  • June 9, 2015 2:34 PM


  • Extractivism
  • Individual Freedoms
  • Structural Violence
  • development.

Document Id

  • 4ab5022e-42b3-4e1a-8877-2f8ad4e644fe