Influencia del líder en el clima organizacional Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • García Bustos, Juanita María
  • Martínez Castro, Juan Andrés
  • Peñaranda Álvarez, Santiago


  • This paper will show how leadership and organizational climate, both crucial components within an organization, are strongly linked in such a way that one is affected by the other in a positive or negative way. In this way, we wanted to demonstrate this link between. In this way, we wanted to demonstrate this link between leadership and organizational climate taking into account the authentic leadership, which was created considering several essential components that a leader should have: self-awareness, transparency in relationships, balanced and moral processing Internalized (Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing, Peterson, 2008). In the business mission held in New York City, we did the fieldwork necessary to complete this investigation. We visited different companies with worldwide recognition such as Google, Bloomberg, N & C Company and Procolombia. In these visits we managed to gather some information through interviews, which focused on asking what kind of style of leadership was being used and we compared it with the organizational climate that we could see within the company. For us the experience was a great opportunity to apply our knowledge and expand it, because every single organization we visited gave us relevant and key information for the development of the research and thus, this paper. For us it was clear that enterprises follow a similar behavioral pattern: teamwork, innovation, autonomy, communication, self-evaluation and transparency.

publication date

  • January 16, 2017 2:38 PM


  • Leadership
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Organizational Climate

Document Id

  • 4e3de79d-54c8-4d17-bed8-4b67d7936fce