Síndrome Burnout y Engagement, desde el Modelo Demandas-Recursos, en auxiliares de enfermería del área de Urgencias, del Hospital Universitario Méderi-Barrios Unidos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Avendaño Trujillo, Diana
  • Castañeda Triviño, Johanna


  • The current research aims to provide a conceptual framework and analyze the relationship between burnout and engagement from the demands and resource model from Demerouti, Bakker, Janssen, & Schaufeli (2001) in a group of emergency nurses at Mederi University Hospital, headquarter Barrios Unidos (Bogota, Colombia). For this used a descriptive correlational study where applicable: Argentina version of Cosentino and Castro (2008) Social Desirability Scale from Crowne and Marlowe designed in 1960 (SDSCM), adapted to measure the need of subjects to obtain approval by responding in a culturally acceptable and appropriate, which could alter the results of the other tests. The Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI- HSS) to measure burnout syndrome, the L’Utrecht Work Engagement Scale to measure engagement and taking into account the Colombian case, apply the questionnaire Form B, interoccupational conditions, established by the Ministry of Social Protection to measure job demands and resources. For analysis of results we used descriptive statistics and correlational between variables. SPSS was applied for descriptive analysis and Spearman correlation between variables. The theoretical analysis is based on the model of Demands – Resources from Demelouti, Bakker, Nachreiner and Shaufeli (2001).

publication date

  • 2013-06-11


  • Burnout
  • engagement
  • model resource demands
  • occupational risks.
  • resources

Document Id

  • 4eea521f-cd61-4253-ac4d-08ef6daf6f3f