Reporte de Caso. Rabdomiosarcoma Alveolar en mama como tumor primario Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis
  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Castillo Florez, Maria Carolina

external tutor

  • Daza Vergara, José Alejandro
  • De la Peña, Jairo
  • Rubiano Forero, Wilson


  • Introduction Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) as a primary breast tumor is a type of cancer with a high morbidity and mortality worldwide. The pathophysiology, clinical evolution and treatment of a case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma as a primary tumor of the breast in a patient from Hospital Universitario Mayor - Méderi, 2016 is described. Method This case report describes the picture of a patient who presented as an RMS histopathological report as a primary breast tumor. Due to its rapid progression and the stage in which the disease was found, it was decided to manage with neoadjuvant and surgical treatment, without achieving definitive control of it. A review of the world literature is carried out in the last 10 years, finding less than 40 reports of this type of pathology to date. Results Case report of a 20-year-old female patient who undergoes a diagnosis of RMS as a primary breast tumor, managed with neoadjuvant treatment and surgical management, one month after the treatment performed, she presented a recurrent lesion and management with chemotherapy was proposed (second line) and radiation therapy. Eleven months after her initial management, the patient decided to continue extra-institutional management. Discussion Making a comparison with the world literature in relation to clinical, imaging, histopathological, immunohistochemical and treatment findings, we can determine that our management is comparable to international management, however it is of great importance to promote research on this pathology to obtain a greater volume of data, which would allow to have real incidence and morbidity and mortality figures in our country. conclusion The aggressive behavior of RMS makes an early diagnosis necessary to achieve better results in this type of disease. The multidisciplinary approach, adherence to treatments and the reduction in attention times between diagnosis and specialized consultation are important factors that allow us to reduce the progression of the disease. However, greater awareness about breast health should be encouraged both in citizens and in health professionals. Research on this type of tumor will allow us to measure the prevalence, incidence and mortality of this pathology.

publication date

  • February 17, 2021 8:51 PM


  • Aggressive breast cancer in a 20-year-old woman
  • Histopathology of the primary tumor of the breast
  • Medical treatment of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS)
  • Prevalence, incidence and mortality of RMS
  • Research on breast cancer in young women

Document Id

  • 5450eb48-3591-4165-a512-2eccc69051e3