Factores de influencia en la expedición de la nueva regulación anticontrabando de 2015 en Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Olave Mendez, Lina Maria


  • Illicit trade has been a growing problem in Colombia. The following work will explain some of the factors that influenced the passing of the anti-smuggling law in Colombia, law 1762 from 2015.It was only during the second part of Juan Manuel Santos that a break in the structure of the struggle against this transnational crime came about. This was due to the appearance of new factors that altered the national and international landscapes in the fight againts smuggling allowing the passing of the new regulation. The type of research carried out was qualitative, having Colombia as its only unit of analysis with the results obtained from the documented methodology

publication date

  • April 4, 2017 12:19 PM


  • smuggling

Document Id

  • 58af64bd-d9cd-4c36-a37f-48ace1222f7b