Una mirada jurídica a los impactos ambientales adicionales causados por la construcción central hidroeléctrica Ituango Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Cucunuba Acosta, Paula Milena


  • This article relates, from a legal prespective, the additional socio-environmental impacts generated so for by the construction of the Ituango Hydroelectric Plant compared to those determined in the enviroment management plan and enviroment license. So far by the construction of the Ituango Hydroelectric Power Plant according with those determined in the environmental management plan and the environmental license. For that, the environmental impact study carried out by the Company is analyzed versus the impacts presented in the start-up.

publication date

  • May 9, 2022 4:54 PM


Document Id

  • 5da649af-3e65-47be-b070-ce9819561a64