Accidentes con riesgo biológico en una población afiliada a una ARL, 2014, Colombia Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Correa Alvarado, Diana
  • Parada Rincón, Diego Alejandro

external tutor

  • Briceno-Ayala, Leonardo
  • Briceño Ayala, Leonardo
  • Varona Uribe, Marcela Eugenia
  • Varona-Uribe, Marcela


  • Introduction: There are conditions that define the severity of accidents such as biohazard contact with a known source, unknown source, type of exposure to the fluid in contact, the causative element and type of injury it causes.Objective: Describe and identify the occurrence of accidents involving biological risk, associated with worker population in the health sector and affiliated to an occupational accident insurance (ARL) reported during 2014, delivered in a database of the institution of healthcare service provider (IPS) responsible for the management of the events, in order to highlight its impact and methods of preventing them through the ARL.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study data from a database was analyzed, which included events of biohazard reported to an ARL between February 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. A number of 1806 accidents were reported and associated with sociodemographic characteristics, fluid type, source type, type of accident and type of element.Results: It was evident that the groups with most accidents were health assistants (65%) and technicians (49.9%). The most frequent place of occurrence was inpatient with 89.5%. Workers with university degree had the most accidents in relation with blood-contact (89.8%), followed by technicians (84.6%) and assistants (67.3%). The occurrence of accidents among workers with primary and secondary level had a percentage of 95.7% and 91.6% respectively; they also had the highest ratio to accidents with unknown sources, while technicians (68.5%) and university degree staff (80.1%) had with known sources. The group of auxiliary staff stood out with a percentage of 53.4% to accidents with unknown sources. Due handling with sharp objects, fingers were the most affected anatomical parts with high-risk items (84.1%) and specially with bleeding (77.1%).Conclusions: Healthcare staff was the most affected due to direct contact with patients. Thus, the health auxiliaries are the most affected by direct contact with handling sharp objects containing high-risk fluids such as blood and their fingers being the most affected parts with known sources.

publication date

  • 2015-12-15


  • biohazard
  • biological risk accident
  • occupational accident
  • occupational exposure.

Document Id

  • 5e117865-3b02-42f6-ab2e-e3133d86c5f6