Radiografía del ciberfeminismo colombiano en Instagram (2019-2020) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Blas Rodríguez, Ana Sofía


  • This investigation intends to address Colombian cyberfeminism in the social media Instagram, using quantitative and qualitative analysis nine accounts (@rnmcolombia, @manifiestamedia, @karismacol, @wikigrillas_, @datosprotegidos, @onumujeres, @lapoderosacom, @hablemosdeciberacoso and were characterized along with the communication strategies present in their content. The objective of this was to answer the question: is there any concordance between the communicative strategies used on Instagram by the four cyberfeminist accounts, with the greatest impact in Colombia, and the objectives of cyberfeminism? Three conclusions where made: 1) Colombian cyberfeminism has suffered an evolution directly proportional with technology evolution, evidenced in the types of content generated by the accounts. 2) Instagram brings barriers that prevent cyberfeminism from reaching its objectives; the algorithms define the scope of the content so the creators can’t depend only on this network. And 3) the Colombian cyberfeminist accounts do use communicative strategies in concordance to their principal objectives: such as generate debate the role of women on the web and the discriminations they suffer.

publication date

  • January 27, 2022 3:47 AM


  • Ciberfeminism
  • Colombia
  • Digital journalism
  • Digital media
  • Feminism
  • Instagram
  • Social media

Document Id

  • 5fc4e815-34b8-4859-b004-4ff985708519