Análisis del comportamiento del sector de la construcción en Colombia y las respuestas generadas por las empresas ante los cambios del entorno, durante el periodo de 2015-2018 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Roa Pintor, Danna Stephania


  • This document describes a descriptive work that relates influential factors in the economic sector of construction in Colombia, once knowing these, is intended to show how the changes in the environment bring with it the need for the Companies manage strategic responses that generate added value in their services, and also make them enduring and outstanding within one of the most influential economic sectors in the Colombian economy. In mention of this, important factors are highlighted, which make the construction sector one of the most impactful in the economic development of a region. Employment is one of those main factors in the contribution to the prominence of the sector, because in Colombia it is known that this factor is generating important figures as a generation of about two million jobs in the country approximately in the period of time Between 2015 and 2018 (Construcción es el sector que más genera empleo en Colombia- DANE, 2018) (El empleo , 2018); Another influential factor is the contribution to economic growth in Colombia as reflected in its share of GDP, one of the periods highlighted in this contribution was 2016 with 9.4% of GDP (Vedecum de Mercados, 2017), with these other factors, together they promote interaction with other sectors that contribute to the dynamism of national development. In relation to the foregoing, the companies associated with the economic activities of the construction sector, are recognized companies for their participation in important projects for the country, however for the purposes of this research work will be Selected through: Economic studies, information of primary sources and their participation in the market the leading companies in their economic activity, to analyze how they adapt to the changes that are presented in the environment such as: The increase in population density, the style of housing requested by new family compositions, the need to be efficient, transport products and move in lower times and costs, address climate change, political regulations, among others; and as they seek to respond to the guidelines imposed by the market, so that all this adds value in their activities, aimed at progress and sustainability in time.

publication date

  • December 4, 2019 12:26 PM


  • Competitive advantage
  • Economic sector
  • Environment
  • Strategic answers
  • Strategy

Document Id

  • 620abbd7-40ce-4ac9-a363-7a9c2fca790c