Análisis funcional de los mecanismos de ocurrencia y factores personales y laborales implicados en los accidentes de trabajo con riesgo biológico en un hospital universitario de la ciudad de Bogotá; D.C. durante los años 2010 a 2012 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Wellman Cortés, Karen Lucía

external tutor

  • Currea, Alfredo


  • Accidents with biological risk of occupational origin are those who suffer a worker, either by itself or through third persons, as a result of accidental contact with animal fluids, plants or human fluids, in the workplace or while performing his duties as an employee. These accidents are not random events and depend heavily on unsafe behavior in the workplace and work environment factors. The functional analysis is a cognitive behavioral technique that is based on the study of the above evidence available in order to identify the mechanisms of occurrence and occupational factors insecure and personal related accidents and their antecedents and consequences. Objective: To establish the mechanisms of occurrence and personal and occupational factors associated with accidents involving biological risk during the years 2010 to 2012, in order to propose intervention strategies to control and thus contribute to a safe working environment. Materials and Methods: A descriptive retrospective study, by reviewing reports of accidents biohazardous reported in the area of Occupational Health, in the universitary hospital, in the years 2010 to 2012. Results: 287 reports of accidents involving biological risk that met the selection criteria were recorded. A prevalence in females with a relation of 3,6 : 1 and in the age group between 18 and 35 years of 69 % a ratio of 3.6 was found. By occupation, 149 accidents were reported in the group of 49 accidents nursing and general service group, the two groups being most prevalent. Also, there were more accidents with sharps, being the most frequent punctures in 82.2% of cases, being located more frequently in the fingers in 70.73 % of cases. As to the mechanisms of occurrence, most occurred during use of the object, followed by contact produced by left in inappropriate places objects and improper disposal of waste. The distribution according to the determinant of occurrence was unsafe acts for 68.3% of cases, unsafe conditions for 3.1% of cases and finally in 28.6% of cases the accidents were due to a combination of both, a statistically significant relationship between this variable and the most features of accidents (p<0.05). Conclusions: The majority of accidents reported were the result of unsafe behavior of workers. It is proposed to set different periodic training for workers, contributing to the incorporation of attitudes and behaviors consistent with safe and tasks to develop within the workplace, and how to act against risky situations.

publication date

  • January 16, 2014 7:39 PM


  • accidents at work
  • occupational exposure

Document Id

  • 63f22f14-443b-4d1c-8bf1-ad511be7e4fc