Performatividades de género en la educación: una mirada desde un escenario en concesión y uno privado Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rey Monroy, Paola Andrea


  • This article aims to clarify the pedagogical devices of gender, power technologies and ego technologies that have an impact on the gender performativities of students in two schools in Bogotá. The participant observation, carried out in the two educational establishments and in the meetings between Teachers in Formation, resulted in descriptions that were analyzed. The conceptual framework was constructed from: gender performativity, power technologies and technologies of the self, habitus and cultural capital, and gender habitus respectively. The qualitative research project Arco Íris was taken as an initial reference: a transformative look at gender relations in the school managed between 1998-2003 in schools in Bogotá. In this investigation it was found that the development of gender performativities in the two schools is crossed by relations of domination, carried out by different power figures, which allows the action of each subject to develop differently.

publication date

  • September 23, 2019 2:32 PM


  • Ego technologies
  • Habitus of gender
  • Pedagogical devices of gender
  • Power technologies

Document Id

  • 646ad565-e17f-4273-93bf-71146b4b4d28