Modelo clúster de la salud para Cali y la región : evaluación y propuesta diferenciadora Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Zapata Builes, Joge


  • This project has the purpose of evaluating the current conditions of the health sector in the city of Cali, to then propose the implementation of a cluster model. Said model begins with a shared dream between the Ministries of foreign trade – Proexport, Cali’s chamber of commerce and the private section of the health sector, led by Grupo Empresarial Coomeva. The investigation derives from the problematic focused on the crisis of the Colombian health system, based on its financial administration rather than on its service provision. Within this framework and following the need to contribute to overcoming this crisis, specifically in the region of Valle del Cauca, the investigation seeks solutions through cooperation strategies, trustfulness and institutional integration between corporations and companies of the health and related sectors, articulate all the members of the sector, collect different experiences and define the future of the region related with the provision of health services to international patients. To create a proposal with a differentiation factor within the rest of the cluster models in the country, the goal is to strengthen education and investigation in high quality and highly specialized health, promote excellence in service provision and contribute with the enterprise development of the productive and competitive chain of the region. Thus, the results that are expected to be reached with this project are focused on the possibility of providing Cali and the region of Valle del Cauca a diagnosis of the infrastructure that nowadays the city has, and propose a health cluster that is in alignment with the specific needs of the region. The project is supported theoretically on the cluster model of Porter and Solvell and research of the qualitative kind. The approaches of the work are open; developed in a natural environment; even though some data is presented, they are not worked statistically but in an interpretative way; and the researcher is the responsible of the compilation of data with the help of different tools like surveys and interviews.

publication date

  • June 6, 2018 8:49 PM


  • Cluster
  • Cluster Initiative
  • Productive Chain
  • Value Chain
  • integrated health network

Document Id

  • 64bac2f3-6184-4e73-9872-c4cc73881e6b