Innovación social: una reflexión sobre los beneficios en su implementación en el Estado colombiano. Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Camelo Mesa, Angela
  • Rojas Arámbula, David


  • Social Innovation is a type of innovation that promotes the search of solutions focused on solving problems present in society. These solutions generate an aggregate value that helps the development of a country. In Colombia, these types of initiatives have had a huge relevance and it has beginning to improve the quality of life and promote life choices that are meant to benefit the society and contribute to the development of the country. Throughout history of social innovation, exemplification and well known writer on administration and sociology, we’ll understand the importance of innovation on our country.

publication date

  • January 25, 2017 12:59 PM


  • Competitiveness
  • Innovation
  • Social inclusion
  • Social innovation
  • Social responsibility

Document Id

  • 652b0027-9d1b-4923-9bdd-5b7d51a69b26