Prevalencia de obesidad y factores de riesgo cardiovascular en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud - universidad del Quindío - 2013 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ortegon Mantilla, Marilse Paola
  • Velasquez Millan, Monica María
  • Zamudio Suarez, Sandra
  • Zapata Barreto, Carlos


  • BACKGROUND. In Colombia, reports the 2010 National Survey of Nutrition Situation ENSIN in 2010(2) , show one in two Colombians, have a body mass index greater than expected. (3) METHOD: This cross-sectional study determined the prevalence of obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors in a population of students of Health Sciences from regional university in the first academic year of 2013. The sample size was n= 113 subjects 60.5% corresponding to a career in medicine nursing to 39.95%. In order to understand their behavior and habits with regard to specific lifestyles and consumption of alcohol, snuff consumption and physical inactivity as well as its association with inflammatory events related to the pathophysiology of the processes related health weight, instruments through clinical, anthropometric measurements and serum, it determine a favorable statistical model for understanding the behavior of Obesity and Cardiovascular disease.RESULTS. The estimated prevalence of overweight and obesity by body mass index (IMC) was 27.7% (95% IC: 19.9%, 37.2%), for waist circumference (OBPABD) found estimated prevalence of 27.4% (95% IC 19.9%- 36.4%), and prevalence with Waist Hip Index (OBICC) was 3.5% (95% IC 1.3%- 9.3%).CONCLUSIONS. The presence of unhealthy habits and the presence of overweight and obesity is considered to be necessary in the first instance a general assessment of nutritional status of university empowered and pose different preventive strategies as the literature documents the effects of habits unhealthy but also documents the effects of preventing the same and that if found association for cardiovascular diseases. It is proposed that for more information on the behavior of cardiovascular risk factors should be performed in retrospective studies involving other college careers and to evaluate the entire university population.

publication date

  • April 7, 2014 2:32 PM


  • Inflammation.
  • Leptin
  • Obesity
  • Students
  • University

Document Id

  • 66529a81-3364-4c91-8f7b-21dc2035d3b6