Estudio Costo-Efectividad de Lidocaína tópica como adyuvante a Pregabalina y Gabapentina en dolor neuropático periférico en una I.P.S de Bogotá 2011. Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Cifuentes, Paul
  • Hinestrosa, Francisco


  • Abstract:Introduction:Neuropathic pain represents a considerable socio-economic burden with increasing prevalence among the Latin American population; the evidence suggests that calcium channel ligands (Pregabalin, Gabapentin) and the lidocain patch can successfully treat localized neuropathic pain. Methods:We performed an observational, retrospective cost effectiveness economic evaluation with data taken from the clinical records of patients consulting to the pain clinic of the insurer’s institution. The primary effectiveness variable was the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) improvement. Results.We had 94 patients fulfilling our inclusion criteria and were treated with either: Gabapentin (G) 21, Pregabaline (P) 24, Gabapentin + patch (G/L) 24, Pregabaline + patch (P/L) 25, the related costs are as follows respectively: COP$114.070.835, COP$105.855.920, COP$88.717.481 COP$89.854.712. The number of patients with a meaningful improvement in the pain scale (VAS) was: 8,10,9, and 21 respectively. The ICER for G/L compared to G was: COP$-25.353.354. The ICER for P/L compared to P was COP$-1.454.655.Conclusions.The addition of the lidocaine patch to standard therapy with either pregabaline or gabapentin decreased health resources consumption such as drugs used as co-analgesics, rescue analgesics and adverse event treatments, also it decreased the number of physician visits. We can conclude that for every patient treated with G/L the institution can save up to COP$25.353.354 instead of treatment with G alone. Equally patients treated with P/L represented a reduction in the institution’s budget consumption of COP$1.454.655 as compared to P alone.

publication date

  • June 12, 2013 8:45 PM


  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Gabapentin
  • Lidocaine
  • Pregabalin
  • pain

Document Id

  • 6741ee69-a25e-4d45-8ee9-0758d97aeb3a