Barreras dispares para el emprendimiento y otras brechas de género: una revisión sistemática de la literatura Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Forero Bojaca, Valentina


  • This study aims to make a systematic analysis of the literature on entrepreneurship and the disparate barriers to entrepreneurship focused on the female gender. Fourteen quantitative and mixed articles are considered, in order to know how much researchers have studied this concept. The barriers raised by the authors are also identified, analyzing which are the most recurrent among the selected studies in continents such as Europe, Asia and America. The results show that there is a lack of research on the concept of entrepreneurship, from its meaning to its gender distinction. On the other hand, there are authors who take into account the concept of entrepreneurship, where several make a gender distinction in this concept, but it is considered that there is a lack of research from the female perspective for a greater gender differentiation. Finally, with respect to gender barriers, it is identified that these are classified into two groups, the internal barriers and the entrepreneur's own barriers and the external barriers, distinguishing the factors that affect the individual from society and culture, while the internal barriers are seen from their training as entrepreneurs, as well as their internal factors that influence the decisions at the time of consolidating or starting a business. Several studies have been developed on these barriers from men and women in various countries in Asia and Europe, so it is proposed to investigate much more in Latin American countries, to know the barriers presented by women entrepreneurs in these regions and understand their behavior.

publication date

  • September 6, 2023 6:35 PM


  • Comparative
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Female entrepreneurship
  • Gender barriers

Document Id

  • 69cdb8c4-ee42-4bbe-8d43-4dba98f0708f