Estado situacional acerca de la teoría, la práctica y enseñanza de la trasformación digital en el mundo Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rodriguez Barrera, Maria Paula


  • Digital transformation is one of the new trends in people's daily lives. From its beginnings, the emergence of the Third Industrial Revolution was added to the current Industry 4.0, which has been innovating within different technologies that are now the protagonists within the new digital era. These technologies open the way to a great number of applications to support the needs of people both at a business and personal level. It is the duty of the leading workers of companies to maintain the usefulness of their business hand in hand with the development of the digital transformation, which brings with it, different tools such as mobile communication, cloud, Big Data, advanced robotics, virtual reality, and among many other technologies that support a variety of business models. Once the pillars, uses, and models within the research of digital transformation are evidenced, there is an abundance of teaching and practice within educational institutions and prestigious companies. The main focus of teaching and applying this transformation is to reorient the strategy. People must be prepared for change and reorientation of internal processes, know how to change them, what opportunities may exist, and what positive consequences could be generated in the long term.

publication date

  • January 28, 2021 2:23 AM


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Big Data
  • Intelligent company
  • Technological innovation
  • digital transformation
  • industry 4.0

Document Id

  • 6a68eef4-d846-4b51-98dd-4ce54494811a