Agua Salá : La historia de un pueblo que lucha por el agua Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Camelo Rusinque, Carolina

external tutor

  • Quiroga, Sebastián


  • This is a documentary that shows how for decades the Banana Zone has fought for access to drinking water, in a territory full of wealth that does not belong to them. The recording camera or field journal, the audiovisual analysis and its posterior selection, allowed to show a graphic representation about the divesting of water in the municipality Zona Bananera. The privatization of the water resource that has been taking place over a century, allows to understand the actions of the locals in the community, rectify the necessity of the residents of having pipelines with potable water, whom old irrigation channels keep the supply for the crops of the landowners. This issue was known by the Zonero, but it was until a few years ago that he raises for community alternatives to gain access to the water sources.

publication date

  • August 12, 2019 8:35 PM


  • Zona Bananera
  • community actions
  • dispossession
  • natural resources
  • river
  • water

Document Id

  • 6a8511a1-0437-44ee-bf36-55047c553f8f